Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bible Time

Today I read Esther Chapter 1.

This chapter is about King Xerses and Queen Vashti. Both were giving these grand banquets for the people of Persia. One night Xerses had his noblemen go to Vashti and tell her to come to him. She said no and Xerses was very angry. It led to most of the other women who heard of Vashti say no- so the other women said no to their husbands. So the wise men told Xerses to never allow Vashti to come in his presence again and to appoint another woman as queen, so that the other women who were saying no to their husbands would stop.

This past weekend Beast and I went out to eat. While we were eating I asked him if he thought that I respected him as a wife should respect her husband. {I have trouble doing this.} He said no. He said that he knew that I loved him but did not think that I respected him. He said that I take my stress out on him a lot and that I reprimand him when he yells at the kids. So I told him that I would try and do better, but that I wanted him to not be so hard on the kids and also to not intentionally aggravate me. So we are both trying to do better and I think that God led me to this book of the bible in order to help me reinforce the idea of showing respect. {Lord knows I have told Beast no more times than I can count.}

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