Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Menu Plans

Well I went through both freezers and planned out everything we are going to eat for the next month and a half {more or less} I am hoping if I stick to this I will be completely out of food and the food that has been in there forever.......and ever will get eaten. I have quite a few nights that don't have anything planned but I will be searching for good meat sales and will buy accordingly. We have been sticking to our $300.00 budget really nicely each month and hopefully will continue to do so. If for whatever reason a meal is not used it will be put on the menu at a later date. Also, the meat we will lose is pretty much the only thing listed not the meal I will make it into.

Lunch/ Dinner
15. peanut butter/ chili bake
16. chicken nuggets/ beef fajita meat
17. breakfast burritos/ Salisbury steak
18. pepperoni rolls/ cooked chicken
19. ground turkey/ Beach???
20. / Beach???
21. / porkchops
22. pork sausage/ cooked chicken
23. cooked chicken / ground beef
24. eggs / chicken nuggets
25. hotdogs / ground beef
26. chicken nuggets / chicken pot pie
27. /
28. / NY Steak
29. eggs/ roast
30. ground turkey/ chicken sandwiches
1. chicken / ground beef
2. hotdogs/ GA???
3. / GA???
4. / GA???
5. / GA???
6. pork sausage/ ground beef
7. cooked chicken / ribs
8. eggs / chicken fajita meat
9. dried beans/ ground beef
10. hotdogs/ NY steak
12. / chicken
13. cheese/ ground beef
14. chicken nuggets / ribeye steaks
15. eggs/
16. BE peas/
17. peanut butter/ chicken fajitas
18. / ribs
19. /
20. dried beans/ chicken
21. chicken nuggets /
22. eggs/
23. cheese/ chicken
24. hotdogs/
25. / ribeye steak

Lunches planned are for the daycare- I usually use leftovers for luches on weekends so I don't plan those {although I probably should?}


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