Saturday, January 10, 2009

Daily Shopping Totals

OK so we went to the flea market today- just to spend some time together as a family. Which was great- at least on Little Belle's part- she did not cry not once. Little Beast on the other hand- was whining and complaining the whole time which got very annoying.
So while we were there I picked up 50# of gold potatoes, 40 count oranges, and 4.25# of bananas all for $20.00- which isn't bad when you consider how much the grocery store would of charged me. The potatoes should last me about 2-3 months hopefully so that's really only $5 a month for potatoes, I can freeze the oranges and give them to the kids so that would be nice and I got 10 for a $1.00, The bananas will probably last 1-2 weeks but I got 1.25# for free and only paid a $1.00 overall for them.

Here are the potatoes spread out in the shed...

Here is the box of oranges...

Here are the bananas...

Go see how much my friend Charity saved this morning- and she told me couponing wasn't worth it.

Total Spent: $20.00
January Grocery $$ Left: $261.96

Going to get some St.Ives face wash for free now... See ya later!!

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